No no.. its not Monday and i am not feeling blue! hehe.. when hb emailed me the link to "the choosen cake" i was like.. say what??!! hahaha.. i hv no issues with a simple cake but i would hv thought maybe he wud want me to bake him something special for his bday.. err like Sacher cake or even another Opera cake just so that i can prove to him that i am game for just abt any cake that he requested.. to be honest.. hes the man behind my bakes... without him i dont think i wud hv even wanna bake a cake such as carousel cake aka sonia's bday cake..

His constant reminder that i shud be different when it comes to baking has paid off.. i think almost 70% of my family members know how to bake.. be it a simple cake or just some cookies.. they all bake.. period! but to go to some bday party and to eat a slice of bday cake that is prepared by the mother or by the bday girl is zilt/zero.. either all my aunties are not into it or they just cant be bothered lol

So having said that.. i guess in a way I shud be thankful to hb for giving me all the encouragement to try out new recipe which is beyond my comfort zone.. Danke Danke.. dont forget to look see for some baking stuff when u go to Vietnam tmrw!

So ok.. Anyway.. what u see here is THE birthday cake which i had prepared for him.. he didnt know that i was going to bake any and when i showed it to him he was like.. woahhhh so blue ah hahaha.. i seriously dont know how it tasted like.. my guess it tastes the same as red velvet cake.. i got eight slices out of this recipe and had packed 6 slices for him to share with his working colleagues.. will hv a slice of it with a cuppa later!
60g unsalted margarine
60g unsalted butter
(i used 120g unsalted butter and omitted margarine)
300g caster sugar
150g eggs - whisk lightly with fork
250g all purpose flour
5g baking powder
15g cocoa powder - i used cocoa berry
5g baking soda
240g fresh milk
5-10g blue colouring - i used wilton
2.5g apple cider - i used heinz vinegar

Cream Cheese Blue Velvet
60g unsalted margarine
60g unsalted butter
(i used 120g unsalted butter and omitted margarine)
300g caster sugar
150g eggs - whisk lightly with fork
250g all purpose flour
5g baking powder
15g cocoa powder - i used cocoa berry
5g baking soda
240g fresh milk
5-10g blue colouring - i used wilton
2.5g apple cider - i used heinz vinegar
Preheat oven to 200°C (I used 175C). Grease a 30x30x3 (i used 10x10") baking sheet or pan and line the bottom with parchment. Sift flour, cocoa, baking powder and baking soda in a bowl.
Place butter and sugar in bowl of an electric stand mixer and beat at medium speed until well-blended/sugar dissolved. With machine on low, add in (B) and (C) alternately and continue to whisk till well blended.. very slowly add in (D)... Scrape down bowl and beat just long enough to combine.
Pour batter onto the baking sheet. Place in oven and bake until a cake tester comes out clean, 15 to 20 mins. Let cool in pans for a few minutes. Remove the cake from the pan by flipping it over and peel off the parchment. Trim of the sides if necessary and divide the cake into two. Cool completely.

Cream Cheese Blue Velvet
250g cream cheese
200g mascarpone cheese
5g vanilla essence
115g icing sugar - sifted
360g cold whipping cream
250g cream cheese
200g mascarpone cheese
5g vanilla essence
115g icing sugar - sifted
360g cold whipping cream
In the bowl of your electric stand mixer or with a hand mixer, at medium speed beat the cream cheese and mascarpone cheese until smooth. Add in the vanilla and sifted icing sugar and beat until smooth. Using the whisk attachment, gradually add in the heavy cream and whip at increasing speed until the frosting is thick enough to spread. Be careful not to overwhip or you'll end up with mascarpone butter. If necessary, add more sugar or cream as needed to get the right consistency. Chill to thicken before using.
To assemble the cake.. Spread a thin layer of frosting in between two layers.. spread over the entire cake with a crumb coat and freeze uncovered for 45 minutes to an hour. Repeat with a second crumb coat if necessary before frosting the final coating. (If ur frosting is still a little runny.. do chill it for a little longer ok)
Note: I used valrhona cocoa nibs on the top of my cake cake... i used valrhona chocolate pearls on Sonia's cake.

Bef i go.. i would like to thank Aizura who is fm KL for the macs order.. to Serina who just moved fm the US to Germany and now in Sg for her sis wedding.. ty dear for the macs and layer cake order.. i can imagine how tired u are and sorry for the not so good looking layer cake.. :o(

Recipe is taken fm a magazine i bought while in Jakarta called Pastry and Bakery by Koko Hidayat, Culinary Head Tech Bakery advisor PT Smart, Tbk and Indra Nur Balian, Tech Baker PT Smart, Tbk

biru mataku nengok blue velvet cake tu kak rima...
hi rima...so, blue plak ...i can imagine..instead of red, yg mkn dpt gigi kaler biru sekejap, hehehhe.
A'kum kak, dah lama tak dtg sini. Ur pixs & cakes.. Wah, suka suka suka. Akak ni betul2 gifted lah.. Tis cake looks very neat & manly.
& chef sonia looks very cute. Nanti b'day mama buatkan kek mama pulak ye.. Hee.
I dah dok menyental beraya, ni nak kena pi exercise pulak..1 & 2 & 3 & 4 ... Hee...
salam rima,
I mesti masuk dlm list blue velvet cake ni.rasa dia sama macam red velvet tak?..ermmm..rasa tak sabar2 nak mencuba.:)))
Hey Rima,Thought i'd update you on the nutella mug cake..oh my goodness!my husband,daughter and i thought we had died and went to chocolate heaven..lol..it was so good.quick question though,some of the batter bubbles out of the mug while i was microwaving it,did u face the same problem?could i use cling wrap the mouth of the mug to avoid spillage?Tried my hands on the congo bars as well like a few moons ago..it was a hit with my daughter's class and the cheese biscuits..my husband loved it when i send it to him when he was away awhile back.Thanks for being kind enough to share the recipes with your ardent followers on here...Ahem ,ahem..one of them is me:)The blue velvet cake looks so good!i might give it a try this weekend.Thanks once again for all the lovely recipes.Jasa mu tidak boleh di balas for sharing your lovely bakings on here:)
gile x terfikir nk wt kek warna blue..u're so blue sis..hahaha..
bole try ni..let me know ape rseny..bole wt utk november birthday..
suddenly i'm feeling blue... lol...
kak rima ur combination of cocoa powder & blue coloring still nampak ok... i've tried dark green color & cocoa powder... oh nooo turned into lumut color u... scary orang nak makan my lumut velvet cake... hahaha
Bila tgk cake tu... Teringat si Smurf... So must try this 'smurf' cake... Ahaks...
wahh so blue.. blue for boys kan.. hehe.. nak kena tinggal lagi ya.. duk elok2.. jgn nakal2 until yr dear hubby balik tau :)
nice colour, nice pic and nice everything... i like!
Woahhh biru mata mu bila melihat.. eh bagus tu.. tak yah pakai contact lens hehe.. i dont know how it taste like but kan mas i think sure sedap cos cake nye so velvety.. lembut ajer bila kita sentuh..
Muahahha bila makan harus sopan ye.. bila bukak mulut harus berus gigi dgn lidah so that theres no cake crumbs kat gigi kahkahkah
I believe semua orang pun gifted .. harus di asar baru boleh menjadi.. for me my tulang belakang is my hb who keeps on pushing me to bake something different.. if tak sedap dia punya critic.. mak ai.. kadang tu boleh merajuk kita dibuat nye hehehe
There's no doubt that you're just 'ngetop' in your baking... It's just your forte to bake difficult cakes that I would just drool over the pics and wonder how it taste like...
I really salute you for this... Oh! what can I say... am so proud of you...thanks for sharing... :)
Agaknye lah cos bahan bahan akan akan red velvet cuma cara dia lain sikit.. plus cake ini guna unsalted butter so sure lagi lemak kan and cream cheese frosting tu pakai mascorpone cheese.. sure lagi velvety lah kan.. hmm.. nanti ku testing ..
Hmm bubbles? oh tak pulak.. maybe ur mug too small tak? i did 3 cups that day.. two adonan.. one of the cup tu overflow sikit but tak meleleh.. dia terkeluar senget sikit but still intact kat the rim of the mug.. dont think its a good idea to use cling wrap but u can try.. why not.. afterall when u microwave food u letak cling wrap kannn.. hmm
Ty for trying out some of the recipes in my blog.. am glad to hear that u guys enjoyed it.. so u did sent him that cheese cookies eh.. ahhh cookiesnye sampai dgn sempurna tak? :o)
When i saw it kat magazine tu i told myself harus bake this for my hb cos its blue mahhh.. so if u wanna bake for ur other half memang sesui lah tu hehe
In that magazine their blue velvet cake colournye macam colour turquoise.. mine turned darker turquoise.. maybe they use 5g while i used 10g nevertheless i got the same colour as in their magazine.. i think if u add green to cocoa powder mixture sure will turn out macam colour lumut one..
hehe smurf cake..belum pi watch itew smurf movie lagi..
B is boys and blue heheh.. ah ah nak kena tinggal satu malam ajer.. Rima if dia gi vietnam memang tak ku memvontot cos i no like.. cuba kalau dia gi lain place.. dgn cepat ku pi book ticket hehe
hehe.. ty ty.. Alhamdullilah.. Amin
I never knew that i can bake this kinda cake until i dipaksa hehehe.. i think each of us can bake any kinda cake if we put our mind and heart into it.. semua orang pun got talent cuma harus diasar.. i hv no time to go out and learn.. i just keep on baking and its like trial and error..u learn as u go by so alhamdullilah so far so good.. kadang tu cake tak menjadi and got me frustrated but thats how u push urself.. ty for ur kind words.. u shud gv it a try cos really by the end of the day ur feeding ppl with ur bakes hehe
Waaaaaaaaaa....wordless wednesday betul2 nih....Biru mata hitamku...What a nice BVC you have there! Pls take note dear Rima, red is yours, that blue one is for me, right? hehehhehe, muaaahhh!
ayyaakk...yg red tak try lagi ni dah keluar plak yg blue..
Itu kek tersangat gothic. Harus selet gincu rona gothic juga (kuku pun, hehe).
yes blue velvet is for u.. i will stick to red velvet hehe
Harus try both ok.. recipe n method lain sikit :op
wow!!this looks awesome..
Muahahha part nak buat orang tersenyum i hv to gv it to u lah.. i can imagine putting on gothic look.. eeiikk tak leh terimagine pulak hahaha
Memang betul.. this cake memang ada gothic look.. i think this cake memang sesuai if i wanna bake a cake for my anak bujang.. then wrap dgn fondant.. bila bday cake dipontong sure dia terkejut berok cos cake has that gothic look hehe
Ty ty.. tastewise? i will gv my feedback later..
Rimaaaa... lupa nak bitau tentang berita letupan kat Empire Subang pagi tadi <>3am. Katanya 4 cedera. Tu aje yg I tau.
Hi Rima,
This cake looks something rather unsual than usual. Something different.
Just a question..is it safe to consume cake with food coloring like wilton? Also, how do we arrive at 2.5g vinegar when we are using a digital scale?
Lahhhhh why and what happened ah? adehhhh tu kan tempat u bermain.. i only went there once.. missing serai dah ni.. huhu
HI Rima...I hope it's still not too late wishing you Slm Lebaran...Anyway, rindu la nak comment kat ur blog. been busy since my trip blk kg ari tu. Ermm, i think i shld try sell this 'bluish' cake for the exibition this wknd...what say u :)?
wei! cake hancem mcm tuan dia....and those macs...i nak lagi!
Wow cantiknya! tak terkata..mesti sedap ni.
wow!!! blue pong cantik eh ... kool kool
Orang lain dok drooling kat BVC tu, i dok drooling kat ur cocoa nibs and choc pearls tu... apo lah...
Wow, this is lovely cake for your special person. I'm sure it would have taste incredible as it looks. Keep us informed on his colleagues reaction with this new discovery. Just sibuk :P
Hi Rima,
Thanks for the delicious macs...got to taste it at 3pm just now..at last, the baby inside can have a taste of your macs...hehehe...really love it..
Well this is a coincidence! I made a red velvet cake AND a purple velvet cake last night (for my Dad to give to his colleagues) and I sprinkled mini choc chips on top for decoration. But of course your blue cake looks a hundred times more stunning! The purple cake turned a pale green at the parts where the cake browned (does that make sense?), meaning the top and sides. Weird.
biru tak gigi? hahaha :D
how i wish my hb's phone tk rosak td pagi huhu
fuiyooo..x tahan beb!! boleh la pn doc bake sebiji utk my belated besday celebration nnti..eh..blue ke red yg sesuwai ek?? aargh mak x kisah asal dpt merasa sepotong x kira biru ke merah sure mengancam rasanye kan!! hehe..
to be honest i am known not to be too precise lol.. when a recipe asked for funny nbr i will usually round it off.. for this i round it off to 3g lol
Is it safe?? err wouldnt it be weird if wilton were to sell something without finding out first if its safe or not?? just my thought.. thats all.. to me it is safe.. :o)
Salam lebaran to u too...
Yes u shud!! its different than ur typical red velvet.. i think it will attract ppl to ur booth.. try and bake it lah.. tadi according to my hb working colleague .. cake ni sedap.. i still belum rasa lagi cos tdy i bedal davil food chocolate cake lol
lol eh dont mention anymore.. dia ade ferasan kejap tadi hahaha..
Nak macs?? lahhhh dah kasi recipe.. dah kasi tip.. dah ade recipe filling.. pi buat sendiri hahaha
Blue memang colour manly lah kan.. sesuai untuk cik abang tu ahaks
hahaha both fm valrhona and sudah tentu sedap lol.. i dont really like valrhona nib cos ade pahit sikit but itew pearls.. walio bila digigit ade bunyi krap krup.. bolah ratah gitu ajer hehe
First reaction fm them.. huh? blue? then hb had to explain to them abt red velvet.. again blur like sotong cos they were germans lol.. RVC only fofular among american kan.. then when i asked hb how was it.. his answer .. "eh not that nice lah"... others loved it tho especially Timo .. hb came home in the evening and told me that after he had a few bite he loved it too! grrrr buat orang tension ajer lah my food critic ni.. so lemme just say.. this BVC cfm sedap one hehe
Oh ye ker?? lahhh lama nye.. i hope he did place ur macs in his fridge bef he gave it to u.. i didnt know u preggie.. CONGRATS! hopefully ur little one love it too hehe
Guess what??!! tadi i baked devil food chocolate cake for an order and when i went to ur blog i saw the cake kat rumah u too hahaha.. tu dinama kan jodoh kwang kwang kwang
Sedap kan si DFCC.. we can never get enough of it.. asal panggil orang datang rumah.. i sibuk buat cake tu.. paling senang and sedap.. u can never go wrong with DFCC
Mana si purple velvet cake u?
Itew dinama kan .. tak de jodoh hehehe
Tak biru cos ku belum lagi ngap itew cake hehe
Puan Doc
Die die must bake wokey.. so many thumbs up fm hb's colleague.. let me kmow if u like it ok..
Assalamualaikum Rima,
Subhanallah!! that looks entirely delicious...ohh lucky betul cik abg you dpt wifey yg rajin....haha those photos are beautiful...kebil2 kak Nur tengok....hehe.
psstt: thanks for you kind and comforting words, at least ada kawan blogger yg support blogger yg tk tersohor mcm kita...hehe.Ok Rima take care dear!
Blue, blue my cake is blue..
Blue is my cake, and I'm without you...
Rima menyanyi sementara buat kek biru ni...
Beautiful blog!
I love your recipes and presentation of dishes.
I have added to your followers.
If you want, come and visit me, you're welcome
davvero un blog bellissimo ! foto e ricette ..tutto bellissimo ! i miei complimenti !!
W'salam KNur
We hv to support one another mahhh.. if not siapa lah kita.. must watch each other back.. :o)
When u hv the time.. do gv this recipe a try.. lain sikit cos u hv to add ur egg and flour bergantian..
Haha.. pandai pun!
Welcome welcome and ty.. u hv a wonderful blog too! will check it out again when i am back home! cheers!
Thank you for being my follower and ty for the compliments.. welcome n will hop over to urs later!
Salam K. Rima,
I've been your silent reader for few months only and I can't take it anymore. Just looking at the pictures it's driving me crazy..A good blog you have here ;p
Hoping to try your master piece esp this Blue Velvet Cake. So whenever you are planning to come down to KL shout out in your blog please. Thanks and keep it up
Salam Kak Rima,
Kalau 150g telur tu, agak2 berapa biji telur yer? Terima kasih saya dahului sebelom Kak Rima membalas soalan saya.
Salam Ann
A grade eggs is usually around 60g.. use B grade and u will need 3eggs
Hi Rima, boleh tanya sikit? what is heavy cream actually? is it the same as double cream? can u name one or two brand? if i dont have the heavy cream whats next best? Thanks a million Rima
Hi Nora
u can get heavy cream kat supermarket.. usually i will use double cream/ whipping cream .. 38% fat..
Hi..I am so impress with your baking!! Ini yang buat i nk bake for my kids ;) Its my first time nampak Blur velvet and My kids want me to try to bake it and I hope / wish that I have the time to bake it for them...hehehe.. It was so good when i look through your blog. Well done to you sis!! :) But I need your help before i nk start try bake this cake.
1- is the assemble the cake. what do u mean or what does it mean, spread over the entire cake with a crumb coat and freeze uncovered for 45 min to an hr.? (CRUMB COAT) apa tu sis, sorry cos i tak berapa faham sal baking.. I hope to hear from u.
Thank you
Hi Noora
Crumb coating is to spread a thin layer around ur cake so that the crumb tak create messiness to the final coating.. So u coat dulu ur cake.. Keep,it in fridge till it firm then u coat again with another layer of frosting.. Good luck my dear... Baking for family memang lah rewarding :)
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